What is Lifeline Program 

Lifeline is a Government program and it is dedicated to making phone and internet service more affordable for low-income households. Since 1985, the Lifeline program has provided a discount on phone service and internet service so that qualifying low-income consumers have the opportunities to use phone service  and affordable internet to be able to connect with jobs, family and emergency services. Lifeline is administered by the Universal Service Administrative Company (USAC). 

Lifeline program benefits 

Lifeline Program provides monthly discounts of up to $9.25 on telephone bills and internet costs for its eligible consumers. Consumers living on Tribal lands are eligible for an enhanced discount of up to $34.25 per month.

Not only that, a mentionable number of providers provide free phones with some other helpful benefits under this program .

Who provide Lifeline program benefit service 

Lifeline Program is a Federal Communication Commission Program , and the program is  administered by USAC. The Government provides the funds for the program and the Benefits are distributed by some Wireless Providers, such as CinTex Wireless, AirTalk Wireless, Easy Wireless, NewPhone Wireless, enTouch wireless, etc.

In this section I mention how you locate a Lifeline service provider.

How to find Lifeline service provider

You may find a Wireless Service Provider that provides Lifeline benefits in your state by using the USAC’s “Companies Near Me” Tool: (Url: www.lifelinesupport.org/companies-near-me ).

You may search using your ZIP Code or using your City and State. To see the full list, please click on “See the list of companies in your state” underneath the search results.

Remember: By the search, you may not find all the companies near you. A company near your location may still  offer Lifeline, even if it is not in the list.

Who is eligible for Lifeline program 

You can be eligible for the lifeline Program in Two different ways. You can be eligible by your annual income or you can be eligible by your participation in certain Government Assistance Program.

Here I mention the income based eligibility and also program participation based eligibility in detail.

Income Based Eligibility

You can get Lifeline if your income is 135% or less than the Federal Poverty Guidelines . The guideline is based on your household size and state.

You may learn about the income eligibility for household income from the following link:  “www.lifelinesupport.org/do-i-qualify

Program Participation based eligibility

If you participate in some Federal government Assistance program, like SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, etc, then you may also be considered as eligible for the program. Detail of it is given here:

You can get Lifeline if you (or someone in your household) participate in one of these programs:

  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps
  • Medicaid
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Federal Public Housing Assistance (FPHA)
  • Veterans Pension and Survivors Benefit

Tribal Assistance Programs

You may also be considered eligible for the Lifeline program if you live on Tribal lands, your income is at or below 135% of the Federal poverty Guidelines, or you participate in the following Tribal  programs.

  • Any of the federal assistance programs listed above
  • Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance
  • Head Start (only households meeting the income qualifying standard)
  • Tribal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Tribal TANF)
  • Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations

Qualify Through Your Child or Dependent

You may be qualified for the lifeline program if your child or dependent participates in any of the programs listed above.

Required documents for the Lifeline program

If you are eligible for the Lifeline Program, then you have to submit documents to prove your eligibility. You need to submit documents to prove low income or participating in SNAP, Medicaid, SSI, HeadStart, etc. 

Here I mention all documents that are needed as proof of your Income or program participation based eligibility.

Program participation proof documents

If you participate in one of the qualifying programs, provide a letter or official document as proof.

Documentation must include:

  • Your name or dependent’s name
  • The program name, such as SNAP
  • The name of the government or Tribal agency that issued the document
  • An issue date within the last 12 months or a future expiration date

Document Examples

  • Benefit award letter
  • Approval letter
  • Statement of benefits
  • Benefit verification letter

Household income proof documents 

If you qualify through your income, you will need to provide a document that shows your annual income.

Documentation must include:

  • Your first and last name or dependent’s name
  • Your annual income
  • To show documentation of income that does not cover a full year, such as current pay stubs, the documentation must cover three months in a row within the past twelve months

Document Examples:

  • Prior year’s state, federal or Tribal tax return
  • Current income statement from your employer or a paycheck stub
  • Veterans Administration statement of benefits
  • Unemployment or Workers’ Compensation statement of benefits
  • Federal or Tribal notice letter of participation in General Assistance
  • Divorce decree, child support award, or other official document containing income information

Proof of your age

To be eligible for the Lifeline program, you must be a US citizen and at least 18 years old. So you have to submit a document that proves your age.

Documentation must include:

  • Your first and last name
  • Your date of birth

Document Examples:

  • Government, military, state, or Tribal ID
  • Birth Certificate
  • Driver’s license
  • Government assistance program document
  • Certificate of U.S. Citizenship or Naturalization
  • Permanent Resident Card or Green Card

You have to submit a document that includes your social Security number and Tribal ID number.

Documentation must include:

  • Your first and last name
  • The Last 4 digits of your social security number or full Tribal ID

Document Examples:

  • Social Security Card
  • Most recent W-2 or tax return
  • Government, military, state, or Tribal ID
  • Government assistance program document
  • Military discharge documentation
  • Unemployment/Workers’ compensation benefits

Proof of your address

You have to submit proof of your address. For that submit a document that includes:

  • Your first and last name
  • Shows your physical address

Document Examples and Tips

If you are resolving this error using the online application, you will use the mapping tool in the application to help USAC find your address

If are resolving this error by mailing in information to USAC, you may show a map that clearly shows your physical address or location, including latitude and longitude coordinates (coordinates are required if you are on Tribal lands)

Other options include:

  • Utility bill
  • Mortgage or lease statement
  • Most recent W-2 or tax return
  • Driver’s license or other valid government, state, or Tribal ID

Duplicate Address

If you live with another adult who gets Lifeline, you will need to answer a few questions to find out if your household qualifies for more than one benefit.

Document Requirements: Complete a Lifeline Household Worksheet if someone else at your address already gets Lifeline.

Document Examples and Tips : If you are resolving this error using the online application, the worksheet will appear in the application to complete. If you are resolving this error by mailing information to USAC, you must complete the paper form and mail it to the Lifeline Support Center.

If you are under 18 then you must prove that you are an Emancipated Minor.

You must be at least 18 years old to qualify for Lifeline. Only emancipated minors can qualify for Lifeline under the age of 18.

Documentation must include:

  • Your first and last name
  • Confirmation of emancipated minor status

Document Examples:

  • Court document
  • Certificate.

How to apply for lifeline program

You may apply online through a Lifeline service provider, or you may apply from Lifeline Program’s official webpage. You may also have the option to apply via mail.You may apply in a way that is easy and suitable for you.

Apply Via A Wireless Service Provider

You may select a lifeline service provider and apply online through this provider. The process may vary slightly from provider to provider.  Here is  a common procedure.

  • First go to your provider’s official website.
  • On the homepage , you may find the Apply Now menu. Click on it. 
  • Now enter your Zip Code and /or Email address and click on Apply.
  • Now select a Phone and a Plan.
  • Now Enter your Personal Information.
  • Upload Necessary Documents.
  • Submit application.
  • Wait for approval.

Online Application

If you want to get enrolled in the Lifeline Program via lifeline website , then first visit Lifeline Program’s Official website at: www.lifelinesupport.org

On the Homepage Click on Apply Now. You will be directed to the following link: “getinternet.gov/apply“.

On that page, choose your State and click on Get Started.

Now you are taken to the main application page. Here, fill up the application form with your personal and other necessary information.

Apply Via Mail

If you prefer to apply via mail, you need to first download the application form and take print out. Then fill up the form and submit it with necessary documents. You can download the paper application from the following link: “www.usac.org/wp-content/uploads/lifeline/documents/forms/LI_Application_NVstates.pdf

Send your mail to this address: Lifeline Support Center, PO Box 1000, Horseheads, NY 14845.

How to switch lifeline service provider

If you like to transfer your Lifeline Benefits from your current provider to a new provider, then you can do it at any time.

To transfer the benefits, contact the new company that offers Lifeline and ask them to transfer the benefits. You may need to reapply before the transfer takes place.

You have to provide the following information:

When switching from one Lifeline provider to another, provide the following information : Your full name, your date of birth, the last four digits of your Social Security Number or Tribal ID number, your home address, your phone number, and Your consent (verbal or written).

  • You give your consent acknowledging that once the transfer is complete, you will lose your benefit with the previous company.
  • You will also need to acknowledge that your new company has explained that consumers may not have more than one Lifeline benefit per household.

Lifeline Program Rules  

When you sign up for the lifeline program, you agree to some rules and regulations of the Lifeline Program. For your consideration , here is given the rules:

Prove your eligibility : As a Lifeline subscriber, you must prove your eligibility. When you apply for the Lifeline program , you must show proof of income or proof of participation in a certain qualifying program.

Recertify every year : USAC will check to confirm if you qualify for the Lifeline program every year. If you don’t recertify your Lifeline eligibility in time, you will receive reminders by email, mail, or pre-recorded messages on your phone. If you are asked to recertify, you must do so within 60 days, or you will lose your Lifeline benefit.

Keep your Lifeline Status up-to-date : If you change your address, no longer qualify for Lifeline, or more than one person in your household gets Lifeline, notify your company within 30 days.

One discount per household : Only one discount is allowed per household. A “household” is a group of people who live together and share income and expenses.

Use it or lose it : You must use your Lifeline benefits at least once every 30 days to maintain your service. If you don’t, you will get a 15-day notice to use your benefit , or it will get turned off.

Be honest on your application and forms : It is against the law to lie on any Lifeline-related forms or questionnaires.

How To Cancel Lifeline Program

You may improve your financial condition and may not be eligible for the lifeline program. Then how do you cancel the program? The process is as below:

  1. To cancel your Lifeline benefits , contact your provider’s customer care.
  2. Tell them that you want to cancel the lifeline service. Provide them your account details, such as  your name, phone number, and any other necessary information, so that they can confirm your identity.
  3. Follow the instructions given by the customer care representative to cancel your membership.You may also have to return all equipment that the service provider has given you.


The website lifelinefree.com is not affiliated with any government or government agency and is not a lifeline cell phone provider. Its purpose is to provide accurate information about the lifeline program and help to people find a supplier for the lifeline program if they need one. Continue Reading